Formación Los Cotos

C/ Los Cármenes, 6A (detrás del Árbol ) Tel: 924 554607
This blog has been produced to help all of my students whether they are taking Cambridge Examinations or just looking up their homework. I will try to add as much cultural information as I can and if there is anything you would like to see on the blog , please get in touch. My email is

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

What's your favourite English word?

When I thought about this I decided that I haven't got just one favourite English word I have a few. I like the word "Spring" because of the images it evokes, I like the word "onomatopoeia" because of the sound and I like the word "together" because as I child I was told how to spell it by my primary school teacher, to -get -her and I was so astonished that I've never forgotten. When you see this we might have done something in class but if not go into the link I think you'll find it interesting.

For FCE students - scroll down on the link and  have a look at what David Crystal has to say about Indian English and the future.